What We Do

The Trees Remember was created to be a bridge between people looking to have trees planted as gifts or tributes and various national reforestation initiatives which have been established to save our endangered forests and provide pristine woodlands for future generations. All trees are planted in US National Forests as part of reforestation efforts designated by the US Forest Service or similar state agencies.  They are planted by professionals where they will benefit the environment and communities to the greatest possible extent.


Saving our forests is a formidable task, but with your help, we will be one step closer to attaining that goal.  How do you climb a mountain?  One step at a time.  How do we restore our forests?  One tree at a time.


On behalf of the planet Earth, we thank you for planting trees.


125 Hidden Creek Ct.
Pittsboro, NC 27312
Email: info@thetreesremember.com