Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I plant trees through The Trees Remember?

The main reason we exist is to generate interest in reforestation by making the giving of trees as gifts and memorials fast, simple, and most importantly, ELEGANT and PERSONALIZED.   Our Gift Acknowledgment Card package truly sets us apart.  We create framed cards suitable for display.  We include an elegant personal note, in its own envelope, which lets you express your own feelings to the gift recipient, in your own words.  It seems like a small detail, but it is a huge difference, as these cards make your gift truly a gift from the heart, and provide an opportunity for you to say what you alone truly feel.  Our card package also contains a small tree charm, a physical reminder of your gift, and it arrives in a rigid mailer, not a flimsy envelope, so the condition of your gift is assured, even if the mail man is having a bad day. There are other reasons as well, but simply put, we add physical and emotional value to the giving and receiving experience which is unavailable from anybody else.

Who determines where the planting is done?

For the most part, the US Forest Service or  a State Forest agency will identify the area where they would like to have funds used for reforestation.  In most cases, planting programs are established where severe fires or other natural disasters have decimated an area of the forest.

Which non-profit groups do you work through?

The Trees Remember has trees planted through programs established some of the oldest and largest conservation groups in the United States who have planted literally millions of trees in the last decade.  We are a Major Corporate Partner with American Forests and we are currently participating in a number of their programs.  We are always searching for new programs and new opportunities to have trees planted in forests across the country.

Where will my tree(s) be planted? Can I visit it?

While it is only natural to want to have a “local” planting, quite frankly, there are places on  the planet which need new growth far, far more than others.  Programs like the ones we participate in for any national forest are designed to be large-scaled conservation efforts. Planting areas are located where natural habitats have been ravaged by wildfires, insect damage, etc. and are often miles away from even the smallest towns, in areas with few roads and little access.  Hundreds of thousands of seedlings may be planted over tens of thousands of acres. These are multi-year programs whose goals are to replenish decimated woodlands and watersheds vital to local environments and wildlife.  These are trees planted where they are needed most, not where they are convenient to plant, or visit.  The contractors who plant the seedlings take up a shoulder bag of the young trees and venture out into the rugged and ruined landscapes.  They stop every few feet, dig a hole, and plant a tree.  There are no ceremonies and logistically speaking, there is no way to say that any one tree belongs to any one order or honoree.  Funding for these programs comes from multiple sources and is co-mingled to make the program work. It is a large-batched mass planting, done over time, in order to rejuvenate large areas of destroyed woodlands and bring back the natural balance and vitality of these places.  So, while the trees are not identified or distinguishable in any way, you can take credit, along with many other people just like you, for proactively protecting these forests, in all their beauty, for generations to come.

What sets The Trees Remember apart from similar services?

Frankly, it’s all about information.  The Trees Remember tells you which state, and, if applicable,  which specific national forest, your gift is being applied to.  That really matters to most of our customers.  Many other companies that offer to have trees planted for you are just sending money to a “general fund” with a huge list of “possible locations”.  We contractually commit to specific planting locations in our national forest programs and try to provide a little background on each of them, so you know where your money is going and why the planting is taking place.  We may offer fewer locations than other companies, but your trees are actually planted in the location you select.

We invite you to compare us with any other service.  Do they tell you where your trees will be planted or do they not even allow you to make a selection?   We prefer to offer fewer options and confirm that your selected location is where the trees for your order will actually be planted.

What kind of trees are planted?

The species of tree planted varies and is specific to each planting program. In every case, the species will be one which was indigenous to the region being replanted. In other words, if an area of woodlands was destroyed by fire, the same type of trees which were there before the fire will be replanted after the fire. The trees being planted are seedlings, not just seeds.

How long after I order will the card package be mailed?

We try very hard to have a turnaround time of 1-2 business days after the order is placed, with most cards being created and mailed out usually the very next business day.  In some instances where we detect conflicting or erroneous information on an order form, we will take the time to contact the purchaser for clarification.  This may add to the turnaround time but it is worth a small delay in order to make certain the gift goes out exactly as our customers intend.

How long after I order them are the trees planted?

Planting is normally done in the Spring or Summer.   This allows the planting contractors to purchase seedling stock in bulk and also gives the seedlings the longest growing season in which to take root and thrive.   Orders received later in the year will be included in the following year’s planting commitments.

Does my tree have any sort of identification on it?

To answer this, it is important to know a little about how these types of planting programs are typically set up.  Programs like the ones we participate in for any national forest are designed to be large-scaled conservation efforts. Planting areas are located where natural habitats have been ravaged by wildfires, insect damage, etc. and are often miles away from even the smallest towns, in areas with few roads and little access.  Hundreds of thousands of seedlings may be planted over tens of thousands of acres. These are multi-year programs whose goals are to replenish decimated woodlands and watersheds vital to local environments and wildlife.  These are trees planted where they are needed most, not where they are convenient to plant or visit.  The contractors who plant the seedlings take up a shoulder bag of the young trees and venture out into the ruined landscapes.  They stop every few feet, dig a hole, and plant a tree.  There are no ceremonies and logistically speaking, there is no way to say that any one tree belongs to any one order or Honoree.  Funding for these programs also come from multiple sources and are co-mingled to make the program work. It is a large-batched mass planting, done over time, in order to rejuvenate very large areas of destroyed woodlands and bring back the natural balance and vitality of these places.  So, while the trees are not identified or distinguishable in any way, you can take credit, along with many other people just like you, for proactively protecting these forests, in all their beauty, for generations to come.

Do you ever share the results of your planting programs?

Please review some of our latest accomplishments within U.S. National Forests for the 2017 planting year at

Can trees be dedicated to pets who have passed away?

Absolutely.  It is quite common.  See our Pet Loss Trees page.

Are you a non-profit organization and is this a tax deductible donation?

No.  The Trees Remember is not a non-profit organization and customers using this service are making purchases, not donations.


125 Hidden Creek Ct.
Pittsboro, NC 27312