Planting Trees in Minnesota

aerial of Superior National Forest

Superior National Forest


Superior National Forest is known for its boreal forest ecosystem, pristine lakes, and iconic north woods wildlife. But the forest is facing significant challenges. The health of the canopy relies on a diverse mix of trees, and a significant decline in conifer species is disturbing that balance. This loss not only degrades forest health but also negatively affects wildlife habitat and water quality as well as the economic and ecological benefits the forest provides. And the area is simply unable to regenerate naturally. Tree planting efforts through this project are focused on restoring forest stands to reflect the natural diversity of the National Forest. A variety of spruces, pines, cedars, and birch will all be planted to make this a reality. As these trees grow, they will improve watershed health, reduce sedimentation and pollution in waterways, and ensure the forest can withstand climate fluctuations. In addition, the newly restored mixed-forest stands will provide abundant habitat for a variety of wildlife species — everything from critical foraging grounds for moose to hunting opportunities for the Canada lynx to nesting space for bald eagles.


125 Hidden Creek Ct.
Pittsboro, NC 27312