Planting Trees in Arkansas
Ozark St. Francis National Forest
In the Ozark Highlands, shortleaf pine once dominated the landscape. Unfortunately, several centuries of timber harvesting, land use changes, and damage due to disease and pests have stripped the region of its shortleaf pine-dominant stands. More recently, a windstorm took out even more trees. Less than 10% of the shortleaf pine’s historic canopy cover remains.
Efforts are underway within the Ozark–St. Francis National Forests to help restore this native forest cover. This ongoing work is focused on reestablishing shortleaf pine where loblolly pine stands had been planted and harvested. Shortleaf pines are also being introduced into areas that have naturally regenerated into oak stands, creating the natural mixed-species ecosystem.
The future of this region is forestland filled with native, adapted species that are more resilient to drought and other disturbances while providing critical habitat for area wildlife.